Student Testing
Students at Navy ES are assessed in many areas throughout the year. Parents will receive a notification about the testing their child will have as well as the results of each test. Many results will be posted in SIS ParentVUE.
Some of the Virginia and Fairfax County assessments that our students take are:
- Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) | Kindergarten
- Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) | Kindergarten
- Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT) | Grade 1
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) | Grade 2
- CORE Phonics | Grade 1-3
- iReady Universal Screener for math and reading | Grades 1-6
- Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) | Grades 1-6
- Social-Emotional Learning Screener | Grades 3-6
- Virginia Growth Assessment (VGA) | Grades 3-6
- Standards of Learning (SOL) | Grades 3-6
- Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) | Advanced Mathematics 6 Students Only
- WIDA | ESOL students
The SOLs are taken near the end of the school year. Below you'll find some helpful information to prepare for this assessment.
What Grades Take the SOL?
Grade 3: Math and Reading
Grade 4: Math and Reading
Grade 5: Math, Science, Writing and Reading
Grade 6: Math and Reading
Preparing for the SOL & Tips
Preparing for the SOL
Create a Study Time and Place
A consistent time and area is important for studying. You and your child can make a ‘study’ area and set a time a couple nights a week. Once you do this more than three times it becomes a habit and part of the daily routine. Make sure the study area is free from distractions and a spot your child learns best.
Watch the Clock
Set a timer, children should study no longer than 30 minutes at one time. This time frame changes depending on a child’s age and how well they stay focused. During this time make sure your child is studying and not day dreaming; remember you are the study buddy.
Make Studying Fun
Let your child have fun while studying, make flash cards, let them quiz you, have them make up practice test, have them take made up practice test, or have them teach you! The most important thing to do is to allow your child to study the way that works best for them. Know your child’s learning style and use that as a tool for studying.
Encouragement is KEY
Please remember that your child wants to do well. Tests can be very stressful for any student. Always support your child. Encourage them by letting them know they are smart and what is most important is they try their best. Giving positive feedback and encouragement can build a child’s self esteem and having a good self esteem can help them be SUCCESSFUL!
Preparing for the Big Day
The night before the SOL test or any test, students should go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep. We ALL function better when we are all well rested. The morning before a test make sure students have a healthy breakfast. We can’t do well if we are hungry.
The Day of the SOL
Please plan to arrive on time the day of testing. All students are read the directions and begin testing at the same time. Once testing has begun, a student cannot join the class late.
Test Completion
Students may have as much time as they need to complete an SOL test within the school day.
Bring a Book
Students who finish their tests before the rest of their class is finished may read a book.
Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy (Apple Watch)
Students are not permitted to have cell phones or electronic devices in their possession during testing and should make arrangements to secure them appropriately before testing.
SOL Resources
A good place to start to look for resources is your child's teacher. Below are some other resources that may be helpful. Students will test using "TestNav" to see what the testing looks like, it is best to review what is available through TestNav. See the first link below. Be sure to select your child's grade as well as the subject of the assessment. It is helpful to explore the tools and how to navigate through the SOL as well as the content.
These are some resources available that can be used to review
- Review Released Virginia Practice Items
- Henry Anker - Click on Grade Level
- IQ Interactive Quizzes
- Jefferson Lab
It is important to practice using the Desmos calculator, as this is the calculator offered for student use on the Math SOLs
- Desmos Four-Function Calculator (Grades 4 and 5 on calculator section)
- Desmos Scientific Calculator (Grade 6 on calculator section)
Our Testing Coordinators
- Assistant Principal, ES
- Assistant Principal, ES